Delayed North Devon Link Road improvements to completed 10 months late
The new West Buckland junction will be the last section to be completed
Breaking News from Molton Monthly Magazine:
After many months of trying, we finally received a reply from the contractors Griffiths about the completion of the North Devon Link Road improvement works - they state it will be all done bar snagging/landscaping by the end of October 2024.
The £67 million project will be 10 months late.
The headlines from the story to be published in the October Molton Monthly Magazine (out for delivery from September 25th) are:
Most main sections finished by the end of September
The new West Buckland junction will be last to be completed, in late October
A third overtaking lane between Portmore roundabout and Landkey roundabout has been dropped, replaced with hatched lining to discourage overtaking
Average speed cameras on a stretch from the new Landkey roundabout towards South Molton
Overnight road closures will continue into October